FreeState Justice will conduct a legal clinic twice a month at the offices of the GLBT Community Center (GLCCB), 2530 N. Charles St., 3rd Floor in Baltimore. The sessions occur on the Wednesday after the second and fourth Friday of each month from 3-5 p.m.

The clinic is an outgrowth of FreeState Justice’s Transgender Action Group (TAG) project, which targets trans people engaged in sex work.  However, the legal clinic is open to anyone who is Trans with a need to update their name or gender marker or needing assistance with expungement of criminal records or access to public benefits and housing.

“Identity documents that are not consistent with a person’s gender identity, criminal records for ‘nuisance’ charges that never resulted in a conviction and lack of access to health services and public benefits present significant barriers for many transgender people, especially those who are low-income.” Jer Welter, managing attorney for FreeState Justice, told the Blade.

“FreeState Justice, Homeless Persons Representation Project, and our partners in the TAG are excited to join with the GLCCB to make it even easier to overcome these barriers by bringing our legal services into the community,” Welter said.

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